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12 February 2011 в 03:22
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Cramer’s E30 M3
Cramer’s E30 M3
Diamondschwarz E30 M3 besides Mariano’s.
Стильно, красиво и ни чего лишнего:)
блог сообщества M-POWER →
AC Schnitzer ACS3 CLS 1 и CLS 2 (Легенда 90ых)
AC Schnitzer CLS 1A street-legal race-touring-car — this dream came true with the ACS3 Sport CLS. The ideal basic car of this 320 HP two door Coup? is the BMW M3 whose sporty concept has been refined further on. The basic idea of the AC Schnitzer CLS is the optimising of the weight-to-power-ratio which is extremely important for the perfomances of a car. They did notonly rely on light weight construction but as well on a fully reliable power increase of the 2990 ccm big six-cylinder-four-valve-e?ngine.
AC Schnitzer ACS3 CLS 1 и CLS 2 (Легенда 90ых)
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Deep and Aggressive BMW E39
Deep and Aggressive BMW E39
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Z unlimited Z4 M Coupe
Z unlimited Z4 M Coupe
заебатый. вот только с собой неудобно таскать
ленивый.77rus Блоги → Подарок от Тойота