In addition, Alexander I granted the girl a commission and commanded cavalry maiden name Alexandrov (special grace - that name is usually given only to children born out of wedlock august personages). Cornet was transferred to a privileged Mariupol Hussars.
But hussar uniform Hope wore long. Service in a privileged shelf required large expenditures and Durov was poor. True, there were rumors that the real reason for transfer to the Lithuanian Regiment of Uhlans were rumors that crawled on the shelf for some disguised girl.
Not to get into a sticky situation, Durova had duty stations.
Russian Valkyrie
The Patriotic War, and along with his regiment Durov participated in all the battles of Smolensk and Borodino. She nearly deaf by the roar of the French and Russian guns, but still bravely rushed to the attack.
At some point the luck changed a fearless woman, and the hope of getting a concussion from overflown enemy core. Her left leg was swollen and eyes blackened, but Durov not left the battlefield. Lie for a few days, hope again rose to the ranks.
Once she broke through to the very Kutuzov and asked for it to it orderly. Despite the effects of a concussion, she performed her duties well: worn with reports and orders between the shelves, from one to the other wing of the army, sometimes barely being kept in the saddle. Learning of this, Kutuzov sent her home to heal.
Hopes father met with tears.
Последнее изменение: 2 January 2013 в 06:01
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