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This very special sampler is a celebration of the TRUE STEREO process for recording Naim has used for the majority of their releases over the last ten years. “True Stereo” is one of the most faithful techniques that exists to capture music in a recorded format. The final sound results from recoding with just a single pair of microphones set up in a space with good natural acoustics. The end result offers the listener a ‘live’, acoustically realistic perspective on the music without processing or electronic manipulation of any kind. Because the sound is recorded direct to stereo, there is no opportunity for mixing or manipulating it after the recording has been made.
The positioning of the microphones is critical for this kind of recording: microphone placement represents the only opportunity that our engineer, Ken Christianson, has to adjust the levels. For example, more or less bass is achieved by positioning the bassist closer to or further from the microphones.
Ken’s techniques – developed over a period of many years – are illustrated in the booklet which accompanies the True Stereo Sampler. There are diagrams showing the placement of instruments and microphones, and details on the specific sound characteristics of the room that was used for the recording.
Jump St(u)art — Jim Gailloreto's Split Decision
Goin' Back To Joe's — Laurence Hobgood
Saudades On 8th Avenue — Stew Cutler
Tubby — Ted Sirota's Rebel Souls
Chairman Mao — Charlie Haden & John Taylor
Blue In Green — Union
Keep It To Yourself — Bonnie Koloc
Saga of Harrison Crabfeathers — John Moulder
Nice To Meet You — Patrick Noland
Blues Danzon — Tom Guillon
Spain — John Moulder
Pass: stereofile
True Stereo - Naim Records Audiophile CD
This very special sampler is a celebration of the TRUE STEREO process for recording Naim has used for the majority of their releases over the last ten years. “True Stereo” is one of the most faithful techniques that exists to capture music in a recorded format. The final sound results from recoding with just a single pair of microphones set up in a space with good natural acoustics. The end result offers the listener a ‘live’, acoustically realistic perspective on the music without processing or electronic manipulation of any kind. Because the sound is recorded direct to stereo, there is no opportunity for mixing or manipulating it after the recording has been made.
The positioning of the microphones is critical for this kind of recording: microphone placement represents the only opportunity that our engineer, Ken Christianson, has to adjust the levels. For example, more or less bass is achieved by positioning the bassist closer to or further from the microphones.
Ken’s techniques – developed over a period of many years – are illustrated in the booklet which accompanies the True Stereo Sampler. There are diagrams showing the placement of instruments and microphones, and details on the specific sound characteristics of the room that was used for the recording.
Jump St(u)art — Jim Gailloreto's Split Decision
Goin' Back To Joe's — Laurence Hobgood
Saudades On 8th Avenue — Stew Cutler
Tubby — Ted Sirota's Rebel Souls
Chairman Mao — Charlie Haden & John Taylor
Blue In Green — Union
Keep It To Yourself — Bonnie Koloc
Saga of Harrison Crabfeathers — John Moulder
Nice To Meet You — Patrick Noland
Blues Danzon — Tom Guillon
Spain — John Moulder
Pass: stereofile
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